Steel Structure with Recycled Fishing Nets
Location: Kersidan Beach, Trégunc, France
100m2, 2021
How the Mighty are Falling was created in collaboration with Breton fishermen, giving new life to their otherwise discarded gear. After completing their initial purpose of trapping and hauling marine life, these fishing nets have their functions reversed as they are transformed into a tool to advocate for greater protections for sharks within the fishing industry.
Created using local fishing material, this public sculpture depicts eight shark fins constructed primarily out of recycled nets and marine paint. Each fin represents a different shark species, highlighting the uniqueness of shape and colour, as well as their role in shark identification. The use of fishing nets within these sculptures serves as a reminder of their responsibility in the global decline of shark species. The transparency of the netting further captures the disappearance of the sharks by allowing the viewer to see through the shark fin as if it were clinging onto existence
by a thread.
Installed on the beach, the monumental sculpture invites the viewer to walk amongst the shark fins and ponder upon how to stop the mighty from falling.